Team Captain Eligibility & Responsibilities

2017 SHRM Student Case Competition and Career Summit

Team Captain Eligibility & Responsibilities 

Each team must designate a team captain before registering a team for the competition. The team captain is the main point of contact between SHRM and the team. 


The team captain must:

  • Be a student. Chapter advisors and faculty members are not permitted to be the team captain.
  • Be a member of the competing team. 


The team captain will be responsible for:

  • Registering the team.
  • Providing payment for registering the team. Note: Career Summit registrations need to be completed by each individual team member. Only the team registration can be made by the team captain.
  • Sharing with the team all communications and documents related to the Case Competition.
  • Agreeing to the Case Competition Integrity Statement by electronically signing and submitting it prior to receiving the case.
  • Submitting the team’s written executive summary and PowerPoint slides by the stated deadline for each competition for use during the oral presentation to be given onsite the day of the competition.
  • Submitting the required documents in the formats specified. Any document submitted in the wrong format may render the team ineligible to compete.
  • Printing copies of the PowerPoint slide deck, if desired for your own use. You do not need to provide copies to the judges. Copies of the presentation will not be available onsite, nor will teams be able to print copies onsite.
  • Obtaining signed SHRM Standard Release forms from each team member for collection at the event during onsite registration.
  • Gathering all team members onsite at the Career Summit to check in together.
  • Gathering all team members 15 minutes before the designated presentation time to be escorted to the oral presentation room. 

Virtual Preparation

 Receiving the Case Competition Case Study and Supporting Documents

  • The team captain will be e-mailed information and a link to the Case Competition Integrity Statement 21 days prior to the first day of the competition. The team captain will need to sign the Integrity Statement before receiving the case.
    Teams will have five days (from Friday at noon ET 21 days prior to the on-site event until Wednesday at noon ET) to prepare their written executive summary and PowerPoint slides.
  • Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted, and the team will be disqualified. 

When to Submit the Written Executive Summary and PowerPoint Slides

  • The team’s completed submission, including both the written executive summary and PowerPoint slides, must be received by the stated deadline here: Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted, and the team will be disqualified.
  • A confirmation receipt will be sent to the team captain’s e-mail address.
    Note: Changes may not be made to the PowerPoint slides after they are submitted.

Guidelines for Submitting the Written Executive Summary and PowerPoint Slides

  • Do not reference the name of your college/university in either of your documents. Use only your team number provided by SHRM.
  • Although teams must not note the name of their college/university, they may include the names of the team members.
  • When saving documents, use the following naming protocol:
    Team Number X Written Executive Summary.docx
    Team Number X Oral Presentation.pptx
  • Changes will not be allowed to the team’s written executive summary or PowerPoint slides after submission or at the competition itself.
  • Both the written executive summary and oral presentation are scored according to the judge's discretion; points may be deducted for an incorrect or inappropriate format.