Denise Roberts McKee
chief operating officer
AboutFace Media
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Denise Roberts McKee is the Chief Operating Officer at AboutFace Media, which creates brand storytelling initiatives for the web, told through the lens of independent film's most acclaimed documentary filmmakers.

As COO, she develops and maintains the company’s structure and organization, overseeing day to day operations, working with the CEO to identify and implement the company’s strategic goals and objectives.

Also a speaker, Denise brings her years of experience, working with leading brands, to conferences and seminars worldwide, with a focus on content development and marketing.  The Online Marketing Institute named Denise as one of their Top 40 Digital Strategists in Marketing for 2014.  

Prior to joining AboutFace, Denise cofounded the companies LimeLife, Inc., a publisher of mobile media for women, and Stunt Puppy Entertainment, an independent developer of CD ROM games focused on the children’s market. As vice president of LimeLife, she  worked with leading brands such as Time-Warner, NBC Universal, Bravo TV New Media, and Rachael Ray, for launches across all major North American carriers.  With Stunt Puppy Entertainment, she served as COO as the company developed four Number 1 ranking titles, including “Barbie Nail Designer” and “Barbie Gotta Groove” for Mattel, as well as the inaugural “Dora the Explorer” CD ROM adventures, and oversaw all production, financials and acquisition of new business development, focusing on licensor driven content for such entities as Disney/Buena Vista Games, Atari/Infogrames and Leapfrog Toys.

Denise is the Executive Director of the Racine Arts Council and serves on the board for Real Racine Convention and Visitors Bureau.  She also serves on advisory boards for Milwaukee Area Technical College and The Wisconsin Arts Board.

Ambrosia Vertesi
vice president, People
Duo Security
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Lars Schmidt
Amplify Talent
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Lars Schmidt is the Founder of Amplify Talent, an employer branding and recruiting consultancy based in Washington DC. Prior to launching Amplify Talent, Lars was the Senior Director of Talent Acquisition & Innovation at NPR where he was responsible for providing leadership and advocacy for talent acquisition strategies that aligned with NPR’s strategic mission and core values. Lars held various HR and recruiting leadership roles with companies including Ticketmaster, Magento, Pencom Systems and several startups in Los Angeles. Lars is a fierce advocate for progressive HR with a strong track record in leveraging innovative talent and recruiting strategies. He was named a “Top 100 Influencer” by HR Examiner and "Top 100 Most Social HR Leaders on Twitter" by The Huffington Post. You can follow him on: Twitter at @ThisIsLars, Facebook, and LinkedIn
Ambrosia Vertesi
vice president, People
Duo Security
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Monday, June 20, 2016 - 7:00am to 8:15am
Mike Rowe
Host of "Dirty Jobs" on the Discovery Channel
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Mike Rowe has been called the “dirtiest man on TV,” a title he earned while hosting the hit TV series, Dirty Jobs, a show that paid tribute to the many hardworking people who make civilized life possible for the rest of us.  On the show, Mike worked as a good-humored apprentice on more than 300 different, unglamorous jobs— from boiler repairman to abandoned mine plugger.  On his latest TV series, Somebody’s Gotta Do It, Mike introduces viewers to innovators, do-gooders, entrepreneurs, collectors and fanatics who march to the beat of a different drum.  Mike is also well known for narrating documentaries and television shows about everything from lions of the Serengeti to fisherman in the Aleutian Islands. 

As CEO of the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, Mike spends a significant amount of time speaking about the country’s dysfunctional relationship with work, highlighting the widening skills gap, and challenging the persistent belief that a four-year degree is automatically the best path to take.  The mikeroweWORKS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that awards scholarships to qualified individuals in pursuit of a career in the skilled trades.  The Foundation has been instrumental in granting more than $3 million in education through its Work Ethic Scholarship Program for trade schools across the country

Louis Richard Lessig, SHRM-SCP
Personal Pronouns
Brown & Connery, LLP
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Louis R. Lessig, Esquire, SHRM-SCP, SPHR is a Partner at the law firm of Brown & Connery, LLP in Westmont, NJ in their labor and employment group.  He regularly counsels clients, conducts training sessions and represents clients in federal and state court as well as before administrative agencies. Also known as The Employment Law Translator®, Mr. Lessig speaks across the country and regularly writes articles that appear in publications nationwide including XpertHR.  In 2018 he won the Delaware Valley HR Consultant of the Year Award. He is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA) and a Past President of the Philadelphia chapter.  Mr. Lessig is an active volunteer for The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) as the Northeast Membership Advisory Council (MAC) Representative.

Monday, June 20, 2016 - 2:40pm to 2:58pm
Jody Janati
college lecturer
University of Minnesota
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Dr. Jody Janati teaches in the Communication Studies Department at the University of Minnesota. She has an Ed.D. degree in Organizational Leadership and her primary interest area pertains to interpersonal conflict resolution strategies. As an author and independent consultant, she offers a variety of public and professional workshops on conflict reduction tactics and effective interpersonal communication skills. Follow Jodi on Twitter @jjanati.
Monday, June 20, 2016 - 1:00pm to 1:18pm
Anna Tavis, Ph.D.
former editor, People + Strategy Journal
professor, NYU
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Dr. Anna Tavis, Ph.D. is Founder at Global Plus Lab. an advisory firm working with companies on strategic HR transformation initiatives. Dr. Tavis is on the Faculty at NYU and is an Executive Director and Lead Professor at Latin American business School. She leads Innovation Radar Network with the Executive Networks and is an Academic advisor to Imperative, a human capital start up that focuses on promoting purpose at work. Dr. Tavis has had an extensive global career in business, academia and consulting. In Business, she was the Head of Motorola EMEA OD function based in the UK, Global Head of Talent Management for Nokia based in Helsinki,  Chief Learning Officer with UTC based in Hartford, CT. and Global Head of Talent and Organizational Development for AIG Investments based in NYC. In Academia, she served as faculty at Williams College and Fairfield University. Dr. Tavis is the Executive Editor of People + Strategy Journal, a quarterly publication of HRPS, SHRM’s Executive network. She is an author and key note speaker.  A collection of her edited essays “Point Counter Point. New Perspectives in People and Strategy” was published by SHRM in 2013.
Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, she received her M.A. and Doctorate from Princeton University and her Executive MBA from the University of South Carolina. She speaks English, Russian, German, Spanish and is an avid Argentine tango dancer and performer. 
Monday, June 20, 2016 - 11:50am to 12:08pm
Anna Tavis, Ph.D.
former editor, People + Strategy Journal
professor, NYU
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Dr. Anna Tavis, Ph.D. is Founder at Global Plus Lab. an advisory firm working with companies on strategic HR transformation initiatives. Dr. Tavis is on the Faculty at NYU and is an Executive Director and Lead Professor at Latin American business School. She leads Innovation Radar Network with the Executive Networks and is an Academic advisor to Imperative, a human capital start up that focuses on promoting purpose at work. Dr. Tavis has had an extensive global career in business, academia and consulting. In Business, she was the Head of Motorola EMEA OD function based in the UK, Global Head of Talent Management for Nokia based in Helsinki,  Chief Learning Officer with UTC based in Hartford, CT. and Global Head of Talent and Organizational Development for AIG Investments based in NYC. In Academia, she served as faculty at Williams College and Fairfield University. Dr. Tavis is the Executive Editor of People + Strategy Journal, a quarterly publication of HRPS, SHRM’s Executive network. She is an author and key note speaker.  A collection of her edited essays “Point Counter Point. New Perspectives in People and Strategy” was published by SHRM in 2013.
Born in St. Petersburg, Russia, she received her M.A. and Doctorate from Princeton University and her Executive MBA from the University of South Carolina. She speaks English, Russian, German, Spanish and is an avid Argentine tango dancer and performer. 
Elizabeth Moore, SHRM-SCP
Vice President, Development
Holmes Corporation
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Elizabeth Moore is the Vice President of Development of Holmes Corporation and manager of the SHRM Learning System. She has over 25 years of combined Product Management, Project Management, and training and development experience.  She has managed the design and development of SHRM certification and education courses for over 10 years, working directly with HR experts, employers, educational partners, instructors and students from around the globe. Elizabeth’s insights and expertise have helped shape the SHRM Learning System into the premier HR Certification preparation resource and advanced the careers of thousands of HR professionals worldwide.  

Sunday, June 19, 2016 - 5:00pm to 5:30pm
Nicole Price
vice president of Training
Cy Wakeman, Inc.
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When Nicole Price began her first leadership assignment based on popular and conventional leadership wisdom, she initially found that she was not seeing successful results and, in fact, saw a drop in the level of accountability her team was projecting. Pretty quickly, she learned that there was a better way to achieve results through incorporating a philosophy similar to that of Cy Wakeman's Reality-Based LeadershipTM. She made a fundamental shift in her mindset to call her team to greatness through ditching the drama and finding success in spite of the circumstances and  facts that held them back. She has been living this idea and helping other leaders to gain similar insights ever since. It is no wonder why she and Cy became forces to be reckoned with when they started collaborating in 2011. Since that time, Nicole has created training programs and promoted the idea of bulletproofing employees rather than focusing efforts to try and perfect their circumstances and realities.