In 2021 the U.S. Department of Labor issued a “final” rule on independent contractor classification. Then in December, the DOL and National Labor Relations Board announced they would work together to identify worker misclassification, as well as joint v. single employer structures. Concurrently, COVID-19 gave rise to states enacting new laws related to teleworkers, travel time, and reimbursing for business expenses. Add to that, the usual pitfalls related to salary history inquiries; exempt v. non-exempt classification; preliminary and post-liminary activities; and more! Join us as we review the latest (but maybe not the greatest) news in wage and hour administration from 2021, year-to-date, and what the DOL has announced lies on the horizon!
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the different rules courts, federal, and state agencies use to define a worker as an employee versus independent contractor.
- Compare the (dis)advantages of joint employer status and how it applies to your company and those with whom you do business.
- Name at least three proactive steps to reduce liability in wage and hour administration.