
Michael Maslansky
Maslansky Luntz + Partners
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As CEO of Maslansky Luntz & Partners, Michael Maslansky advises Fortune 500 companies, industry associations, and professional communicators on language strategies that shift perceptions and move markets. His book, The Language of Trust: Selling Ideas in a World of Skeptics explores new words, phrases, and communication techniques to address situations where there appears to be a "failure to communicate." His presentations incorporate this real life experience, providing clear and compelling advice for how to use the right language – and the right approach to using it. Maslanksky's key philosophy is that it is not what organizations say, but what their audience hears, and he has incredible research on how the public interprets words and messaging.

How CEOs, companies, and entire industries communicate – whether during crises, in advertising and public relations campaigns, or with investors, Congress, or the American people – often means the difference between success and failure. Organizations turn to Maslansky to understand the public mood, challenge conventional wisdom, and transform not just what they say to key audiences – but how they say it. He explains how to be more effective at communicating by understanding and anticipating how audience interpret what they hear or read and has helped clients position and differentiate their products in good times and protect their reputations when faced with crises.

Communications Master. Maslansky shares with audiences his in-depth understanding of hot-button issues in banking and financial services, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, corporate social responsibility and non-profits, technology and consumer products, and litigation and politics. He has worked with industries to reframe the national debate over issues including Medicare, climate change, digital movie and music piracy, and, most recently, lead in Chinese imports. He has worked with a range of companies on corporate social responsibility efforts relating to the environment, public health, and labor standards.

Maslansky's strategic analysis builds on insights from his unique combination of expertise: battle-tested communications experience combined with a deep understanding of public opinion. He has conducted hundreds of messaging and research projects in over 20 countries using his firm's trademarked polling methodology, lauded by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, 60 Minutes, Nightline, and PBS's Frontline, among others. In his presentations, he incorporates quantitative and qualitative research on his audience's industry and issues. He can also do customized research or focus groups.

Previously, Maslansky founded MarketResearch.com, a leading market intelligence company where he served as President and remains on the Board. He is also on the Advisory Boards of Kindsight and Poprule. He began his career as a corporate attorney with Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.