Keith Ferrazzi
CEO and best selling author
Ferrazzi Greenlight
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Keith Ferrazzi is the founder and CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight. He provides market leaders with strategic consulting and training services to increase company sales and enhance team performance.

Ferrazzi and his associates are the world’s leading experts in the relational and collaborative sciences. Their research has proven the singular predictive importance of relationships to business success (sales, team performance, and individual career advancement). Their applied work with thousands of the most respected organizations has established clear methodologies for accelerating such relationship development.

Ferrazzi Greenlight strategically leverages the insight of its executive team, whose careers span the highest echelons of corporate America, along with principles from Ferrazzi’s best-selling book, Never Eat Alone, which was recognized as one of the best business books of 2005, 2006, and 2007. His recent book, Who’s Got Your Back, guides readers to develop an intimate inner circle, a handful of people who they trust completely to hold them accountable to ever higher levels of achievement.

Ferrazzi created The Relationship Masters Academy, an online learning academy for "people skills" that delivers an exclusive program aimed at salespeople and business professionals.

Ferrazzi is a frequent contributor to CNN and CNBC. He has authored numerous articles for leading business and consumer publications, including Forbes, Inc., The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, and Reader’s Digest.

Ferrazzi was previously Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Sales at Starwood Hotels, where he oversaw marketing activities for global brands including Sheraton, Westin, The Luxury Collection, St. Regis, and W Hotels. Ferrazzi also served as Chief Marketing Officer for Deloitte Consulting, a leading global management consulting firm, where he developed and managed the industry’s first globally integrated marketing organization.

Ferrazzi’s foundation, Big Task Weekend, is an impactful, invitation-only event that brings together a diverse group of visionary leaders from top organizations to facilitate partnerships to solve the world’s biggest challenges.

Anne Pachciarek, Esq.
DLA Piper LLP (US)
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Anne Pachciarek helps companies establish and operate their employee benefit plans, such as medical plans, 401(k) plans, pension plans and executive compensation programs.

With more than 20 years of experience, Anne works with public companies and closely held businesses to find solutions to a wide range of ERISA compliance, fiduciary responsibility and plan administration problems. She advises on welfare plans, pension and profit sharing plans, cafeteria plans and deferred compensation programs, as well as on the handling of benefit plans in mergers and acquisitions.

Anne has been a member of the Hiring Committee and the Chair of the summer program for the Chicago office.

Mark Boxer, Esq.
DLA Piper
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Mark Boxer advises employers on all aspects of employee benefit matters.

He designs and drafts qualified retirement plans and welfare plans and advises clients on their fiduciary duties under Title I of ERISA and on the design and funding of executive deferred compensation arrangements.

His experience extends to the benefit issues in mergers and acquisitions, plan self-audits and error correction, including comprehensive compliance audit services, and advice and assistance in correcting errors under the Internal Revenue Service's Employee Plans Compliance Resolution Program, the Department of Labor's Delinquent Filer Voluntary Correction Program and similar programs.

Mark Boxer, Esq.
DLA Piper
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Mark Boxer advises employers on all aspects of employee benefit matters.

He designs and drafts qualified retirement plans and welfare plans and advises clients on their fiduciary duties under Title I of ERISA and on the design and funding of executive deferred compensation arrangements.

His experience extends to the benefit issues in mergers and acquisitions, plan self-audits and error correction, including comprehensive compliance audit services, and advice and assistance in correcting errors under the Internal Revenue Service's Employee Plans Compliance Resolution Program, the Department of Labor's Delinquent Filer Voluntary Correction Program and similar programs.

Anne Pachciarek, Esq.
DLA Piper LLP (US)
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Anne Pachciarek helps companies establish and operate their employee benefit plans, such as medical plans, 401(k) plans, pension plans and executive compensation programs.

With more than 20 years of experience, Anne works with public companies and closely held businesses to find solutions to a wide range of ERISA compliance, fiduciary responsibility and plan administration problems. She advises on welfare plans, pension and profit sharing plans, cafeteria plans and deferred compensation programs, as well as on the handling of benefit plans in mergers and acquisitions.

Anne has been a member of the Hiring Committee and the Chair of the summer program for the Chicago office.

Mark Boxer, Esq.
DLA Piper
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Mark Boxer advises employers on all aspects of employee benefit matters.

He designs and drafts qualified retirement plans and welfare plans and advises clients on their fiduciary duties under Title I of ERISA and on the design and funding of executive deferred compensation arrangements.

His experience extends to the benefit issues in mergers and acquisitions, plan self-audits and error correction, including comprehensive compliance audit services, and advice and assistance in correcting errors under the Internal Revenue Service's Employee Plans Compliance Resolution Program, the Department of Labor's Delinquent Filer Voluntary Correction Program and similar programs.

Michael Maslansky
Maslansky Luntz + Partners
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As CEO of Maslansky Luntz & Partners, Michael Maslansky advises Fortune 500 companies, industry associations, and professional communicators on language strategies that shift perceptions and move markets. His book, The Language of Trust: Selling Ideas in a World of Skeptics explores new words, phrases, and communication techniques to address situations where there appears to be a "failure to communicate." His presentations incorporate this real life experience, providing clear and compelling advice for how to use the right language – and the right approach to using it. Maslanksky's key philosophy is that it is not what organizations say, but what their audience hears, and he has incredible research on how the public interprets words and messaging.

How CEOs, companies, and entire industries communicate – whether during crises, in advertising and public relations campaigns, or with investors, Congress, or the American people – often means the difference between success and failure. Organizations turn to Maslansky to understand the public mood, challenge conventional wisdom, and transform not just what they say to key audiences – but how they say it. He explains how to be more effective at communicating by understanding and anticipating how audience interpret what they hear or read and has helped clients position and differentiate their products in good times and protect their reputations when faced with crises.

Communications Master. Maslansky shares with audiences his in-depth understanding of hot-button issues in banking and financial services, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, corporate social responsibility and non-profits, technology and consumer products, and litigation and politics. He has worked with industries to reframe the national debate over issues including Medicare, climate change, digital movie and music piracy, and, most recently, lead in Chinese imports. He has worked with a range of companies on corporate social responsibility efforts relating to the environment, public health, and labor standards.

Maslansky's strategic analysis builds on insights from his unique combination of expertise: battle-tested communications experience combined with a deep understanding of public opinion. He has conducted hundreds of messaging and research projects in over 20 countries using his firm's trademarked polling methodology, lauded by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, 60 Minutes, Nightline, and PBS's Frontline, among others. In his presentations, he incorporates quantitative and qualitative research on his audience's industry and issues. He can also do customized research or focus groups.

Previously, Maslansky founded, a leading market intelligence company where he served as President and remains on the Board. He is also on the Advisory Boards of Kindsight and Poprule. He began his career as a corporate attorney with Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.

Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Michael Maslansky
Maslansky Luntz + Partners
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As CEO of Maslansky Luntz & Partners, Michael Maslansky advises Fortune 500 companies, industry associations, and professional communicators on language strategies that shift perceptions and move markets. His book, The Language of Trust: Selling Ideas in a World of Skeptics explores new words, phrases, and communication techniques to address situations where there appears to be a "failure to communicate." His presentations incorporate this real life experience, providing clear and compelling advice for how to use the right language – and the right approach to using it. Maslanksky's key philosophy is that it is not what organizations say, but what their audience hears, and he has incredible research on how the public interprets words and messaging.

How CEOs, companies, and entire industries communicate – whether during crises, in advertising and public relations campaigns, or with investors, Congress, or the American people – often means the difference between success and failure. Organizations turn to Maslansky to understand the public mood, challenge conventional wisdom, and transform not just what they say to key audiences – but how they say it. He explains how to be more effective at communicating by understanding and anticipating how audience interpret what they hear or read and has helped clients position and differentiate their products in good times and protect their reputations when faced with crises.

Communications Master. Maslansky shares with audiences his in-depth understanding of hot-button issues in banking and financial services, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, corporate social responsibility and non-profits, technology and consumer products, and litigation and politics. He has worked with industries to reframe the national debate over issues including Medicare, climate change, digital movie and music piracy, and, most recently, lead in Chinese imports. He has worked with a range of companies on corporate social responsibility efforts relating to the environment, public health, and labor standards.

Maslansky's strategic analysis builds on insights from his unique combination of expertise: battle-tested communications experience combined with a deep understanding of public opinion. He has conducted hundreds of messaging and research projects in over 20 countries using his firm's trademarked polling methodology, lauded by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, 60 Minutes, Nightline, and PBS's Frontline, among others. In his presentations, he incorporates quantitative and qualitative research on his audience's industry and issues. He can also do customized research or focus groups.

Previously, Maslansky founded, a leading market intelligence company where he served as President and remains on the Board. He is also on the Advisory Boards of Kindsight and Poprule. He began his career as a corporate attorney with Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz.

Katty Kay
author and lead anchor
BBC World News America
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Katty (pronounced CAT-TEE) Kay is the lead anchor for BBC World News America. Prior to taking over as lead anchor, Kay served as the Washington correspondent for BBC since 2002. Kay's career with the BBC began in Zimbabwe in 1990 where she started filing radio reports for BBC World Service radio. From there she also covered the end of apartheid in South Africa.

Kay then went on to work as a BBC correspondent in London, and later Tokyo, reporting on stories including the Kobe earthquake and the Japanese economic recession. She settled in Washington in 1996 where she took some time out of broadcast journalism to join The Times' (the British newspaper) Washington bureau before returning to the BBC in 2002.

From Washington, Kay covers the full gamut of American and global affairs – reporting on U.S. elections, the White House, Congress, Wall Street, global economies and world trouble spots. She also witnessed and reported on the huge change in American policy and psyche brought on by the attacks of September 11. Kay was at the Pentagon just 20 minutes after a hijacked airplane flew into the building – one of her most vivid journalistic memories is of interviewing soldiers still visibly shaking from the attack.

Kay is a frequent guest commentator on NBC's Meet the Press and MSNBC's Morning Joe where she also frequently serves as guest co-host.

Katty Kay is co-author of two New York Times best-sellers. The latest is The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance_;What Women Should Know. In it she makes the case that confidence has roots in genetic hard-wiring but also comes by choice: less people-pleasing and perfectionism and more action, risk-taking, and fast failure. In her first book, Womenomics: Write Your Own Rules for Success, Kay explores how women can create a professional life that meets their needs – and in the process creates more profitable companies with happier and more productive employees.

Kay grew up all over the Middle East, where her father was posted as a British diplomat. She studied modern languages at Oxford from where she went on to work for a brief period with the Bank of England. She speaks fluent French and Italian and also what she describes as 'rusty Japanese.'

David Sturt
executive vice president, Marketing & Business Development
O.C. Tanner
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David Sturt is a NY Times bestselling author and executive vice president of the O.C. Tanner Company. He has been interviewed and quoted by the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Forbes, CBS Radio, Huffington Post and numerous other media organizations. He is a weekly contributor on and is a highly sought after speaker. He has spoken to audiences at HR and leadership conferences across the U.S., Canada and the U.K. David has a degree in Training and Development and an MBA, and has two decades of experience in research, innovation and leadership. He was born in England, raised in South Africa, educated in the U.S. and Asia/Pacific and has a passion for doing things that make a difference in the world.

Friday, October 9, 2015 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm
Doug Stevenson
storytelling coach, owner, CEO
Story Theater International
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Doug Stevenson is the creator of The Story Theater Method for strategic storytelling in business. He is the author of the book Doug Stevenson’s Story Theater Method, The 21-Step How to Write and Deliver a Dynamite Speech System, and The Next Level Storytelling Video eLearning Series. Doug is a former actor, now professional keynote speaker, trainer and speaker’s coach. His clients span many industries and associations, including the American Medical Assn., the National Assn. of Realtors, Microsoft, Cisco, Amgen, Bayer, Caterpillar, Coca Cola, ConAgra Foods, Oracle, Aetna Insurance, Wells Fargo, US Bank, Eli Lilly and many others. Doug has presented storytelling in business keynotes and workshops in the U.S., Canada, and 15 other countries in South America, Europe and Asia. 

Doug has blended his acting experience with his experience on the keynote platform to bring a unique perspective to speaking and storytelling. He helps presenters of all kinds use strategically chosen and crafted stories to make their content more entertaining, persuasive and memorable. Doug believes that “emotion is the fast lane to the brain” and stories, when told with authentic emotion and imagery, are the best way to create an emotional connection with any audience. People remember your stories!  Join him to learn how to Story Your Message for Communication Success!

Friday, October 9, 2015 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm