Seating Instructions: Seating is first-come, first-served. Reserved seating options are available for accessibility and accommodations. For detailed accessibility information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.
This interactive workshop will explore best practices for organizations seeking to develop, retain, and elevate LGBTQ+ professionals into leadership roles. Participants will learn research-backed strategies for fostering LGBTQ+ talent from individual contributor to executive levels.
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss the business case and benefits of enabling LGBTQ+ professionals to achieve greater representation in leadership.
2. Identify challenges and barriers that hinder LGBTQ+ employees from advancing.
3. Share tactics to support LGBTQ+ employee Recruitment, retention, and inclusion.
4. Explore high-potential development programs, mentorship initiatives, and ERG partnerships that Create LGBTQ+ talent pipelines.
5. Gain insights into making sexual orientation, gender identity and expression more welcome topics in the workplace.
Direct Link to Session Materials: If the speaker provides session materials, you can access them via the app, web format or at
Live Streaming and Recording: Unless marked 'in person only,' all sessions are live-streamed on the app or web format and available for replay 30 days after the event.
Acknowledgment of Technical Issues: While rare, technical issues may occur during sessions. We appreciate your patience as we quickly address them.
Accessibility & Accommodations Information: For detailed accessibility & accommodations information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.