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Spotlight Session
Suicide Prevention as a Workplace Health and Safety Issue
Spotlight Stage
In-Person Monday 10/30/2023 10:30 AM - 10:50 AM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Interpersonal (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Intermediate (Fostering I&D)
Workplace Application:
You can make a difference, you can stop a suicide, and you can do it by doing something as simple as having a conversation, if you know how. 

In-person session offerings are on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is limited.

To view all event accessibility & accommodations details, visit here.

Call to action - workplaces and professional associations - it's the time for the Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention. 80% of all people who die by suicide are working age, making the workplace the most cross-cutting system for suicide prevention, intervention and crisis response.  If we're going to get in front of the tragedy of suicide, widen our lens from seeing suicide only as a mental health framework, to a broader public health one.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the prevalence of death by suicide and the importance of prevention practices within the workplace;
  • Learn the epidemiology, etiology and risk factors of suicidal behavior;
  • Discover strategies for screening, assessing,and reducing the risk of suicide;
  • Understand special concerns, risk factors and interventions related to military veterans;
  • Identify self-injurious behaviors and what objects, substances, and actions are common in suicide attempts;
  • Highlight the management and treatment modalities for patients at risk for suicide, including best practices for connecting the patient to referral;
  • Gain the knowledge and skills to conduct suicide Postvention; and
  • Comprehend the relationship between workplace stress and suicide and learn valuable techniques to stress-less at work.

If a speaker has provided session materials, please see below or visit

Frank King Photo
Frank King, Suicide Prevention Speaker,
The Mental Health Comedian, LLC