
Concurrent Session
Meet the Globals: What You Need to Know Now About Gen Z
Australia 3
Tuesday 04/19/2016 03:30 PM - 04:15 PM   Add to calendar
0.75 SHRM PDCs, 0.75 HR Credit | Competencies: Relationship Management, HR Expertise, Global & Cultural Effectiveness | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
You will learn how to prepare for the next generation of workers who will come into the workforce with a new set of expectations and needs. 

We've heard about Millennials, but what about Globals who are already entering your offices as interns? Shifting away from the Millennial mindset, Globals are shaping up to be a realistic, go-getter, “insta-gen” that truly has had influences from across the world since birth. This session uncovers how this generation will please those from Generation X but frustrate their Millennial managers. You will:

·         Learn which generational workplace trends Globals will emulate and which they will reject. 

·         Gain perspective on how to capitalize on their entrepreneurial spirit to make them more effective within their roles and
          able to see how their contributions affect change.

·         Recognize how their multicultural acceptance creates a one-world mindset that will expand virtual and
           local business into new sectors/environments.

·         Understand how to teach Globals to convert their overload of data into accessible and useful knowledge.

·         Learn to outline new career titles and nonlinear career progressions that will allow for Globals to follow and
          develop their skills and interests.

Jeff Hiller Photo
Jeff Hiller, director of Learning and Development,
JB Training Solutions