As the rate of change accelerates across both business and government sectors, so too must the evolution of HR and our approach to human capital. And not just on a tactical level. The perfect storm of a structural mismatch between business needs and available talent, and the incessant requirements for organizations to innovate and change is placing human capital at center of strategy in a more critical way than ever before. The question is… Are you ready? In this content rich presentation, Peter Sheahan will:
- Unpack the major strategic shifts he sees occurring in the world of Human Capital
- Give you direct insight into what some of the world’s best companies are doing about attracting and retaining great talent
- Offer a perspective on how the expectations of talent and changing and what this means for organizational culture and leadership
- Explore the changing role of HR in driving engagement and alignment between talent and strategy
- Stretch your mind about new models for engaging human capital inside and outside the 4 walls of your company