
Concurrent Session
Tearing Down the Silos: Health Care and Retirement Spending−What Is the True Cost?
Monday 06/19/2017 07:00 AM - 08:15 AM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Critical Evaluation, Business Acumen | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
You will learn the advantage of viewing employer benefit spending on health care and retirement plans as one pool of spending. 

This session will show how you can reduce long-term health care cost by helping your employees better prepare for retirement. The discussion will center around changing how companies view health care and retirement benefits in silos to a holistic benefits approach. The increased long-term cost in health care due to employees working beyond normal retirement age could be viewed as an unfunded liability. This liability simply replaces an unfunded but quantifiable retirement liability with an ill-defined unfunded healthcare liability. You will learn:

  • How employee retirement readiness or lack thereof impacts corporate healthcare spending.
  • Why breaking down the silo approach to benefits is critical to managing costs and will allow you to make benefit spending decisions strategically as opposed to reactively.
  • Why true retirement readiness matters.
  • How to measure the true cost and benefit of your health care and retirement programs .
  • Why a holistic approach to benefits is good for your company and your employees.
Kevin  Mahoney, CIMA Photo
Kevin Mahoney, CIMA, Managing Director, Investments and Senior Institutional Consultant,
Raymond James