
Concurrent Session
The Neuroscience of Breaking Bias
Tuesday 06/20/2017 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Relationship Management, HR Expertise | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
This session will allow you to participate in a simulation that exposes bias in decision-making so you can learn about the organizational impacts and mitigation strategies. 

Human decision-making is deeply biased. Given how critical making sound decisions is, it is imperative that leaders identify and minimize bias whenever possible. The reality is that many biases are completely unconscious to us and affect nearly every decision we make. This interactive experience will help you better understand the nature of brain bias, the underlying patterns biases share, and deliver new models you can use to navigate around these limitations in order to make sharper decisions.  This session will :

  • Explore how our perceptual filters affect reality.
  • Examine the brain's tendency to pattern match.
  • Explain how to use brain research to reduce bias and minimize threat in talent and performance discussions and decision-making.
David Rock Photo
David Rock, co-founder and CEO,
NeuroLeadership Institute