
General Session
General Session featuring Patrick Lencioni
Halls D-E
Tuesday 06/20/2017 08:30 AM - 09:45 AM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs

The Ideal Team Player

As a follow-up to his best-selling book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni turns his attention to the individual team-member, revealing the three indispensable virtues that make some people better team players than others. Lencioni will explore the power this combination yields, and will illustrate how team members with these traits drastically accelerate the process of building high-performing teams. This approach has served as the basis for hiring and evaluation at his own firm for the past two decades, and now offers an effective method for leaders to identify, cultivate and recruit true team players in any organization. Whether you’re striving to bring about a culture of collaboration, looking to hire real team players, or simply want to make yourself a more valuable team-member, this keynote will provide insights that can help you change your organization, or your career.

Patrick Lencioni Photo
Patrick Lencioni, founder and president,
The Table Group