
Mega Session
MEGA SESSION The LeaderShift: How to Engage and Develop the Next Generation of Leaders
Marriott Marquis: Salons 6-10
Wednesday 06/22/2016 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 HR Credit | Competencies: Relationship Management, Leadership & Navigation, Consultation | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
You will learn how to best find, engage and develop your next generation of leaders in order to fill your talent gap. 

20 million baby boomers retiring in the next five years and almost half of companies haven't analyzed this impact on their workforce and fewer than one fourth of companies have made succession planning a priority. To make matters worse, millennials are switching companies every two years. Even the companies that see this predicament are having trouble finding leaders and it's because our historical view of leadership is incorrect and irrelevant in the new economy. This session will clearly articulate the impact of baby boomers retiring on all aspects of your business, and then uncover a portrait of the next generation of leader and give you tips on how to best engage and develop them. In this session, you will: 

  • Hear about the top 10 ways you can engage with the next generation of leaders so you can retain and fill your executive level positions.
  • View groundbreaking new global research that will instruct you how to create the right leadership, training and succession planning programs that support future leaders.
  • Listen to case studies from forward-thinking companies on how to create next generation corporate leadership programs.
Dan Schawbel Photo
Dan Schawbel, partner & research director,
Future Workplace