
Concurrent Session
Hewlett Packard’s Global Separation – The HR Journey
Convention Center 204
Tuesday 06/21/2016 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 Business Credit, 1.25 Global Credit | Competencies: Leadership & Navigation, Global & Cultural Effectiveness, Business Acumen | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
You will learn the critical role HR played in driving the successful global separation of HP into two independent Fortune 100 companies. 

On November 1, 2015, Hewlett Packard successfully separated into Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP Inc. For over a year, HP’s Global HR team served as a driving force behind this separation, enabling and delivering the successful separation of ~260,000 employees across over 160 countries. You will explore HR’s journey and gain insights into the leading role that HR played in delivering a flawless separation across the globe. In this session, you will hear about the lessons learned and best practices for executing the largest separation in corporate history focusing on:

  • HR’s global separation governance structure and cadence established to drive separation activities through day 1.
  • The global HR implications of separating into two independent companies (e.g., works council consultations, offer/notification process, etc.).
  • The role of management of change and communications in driving and executing separation-related activities across all countries.
Cheryl  Mohr Photo
Cheryl Mohr, sr. vice president, HR Global Operations,
HP Inc.