
Concurrent Session
Guidelines from the EEOC's Task Force on Harassment in the Workplace
Convention Center: 144
Monday 06/20/2016 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 HR Credit | Competencies: Critical Evaluation | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
This session will share what the Task Force has learned about the most effective and ineffective methods of training to ensure the best return on employers' investments, and to facilitate the best prospects for success in preventing and eliminating harassment from the workplace. 

Almost one third of the EEOC's charges include harassment claims. This session will share what the Task Force has learned in public hearings and expert testimony, as well as their study of best practices and current research. You will learn:

·         What are the most current laws, guidelines and regulations regarding harassment, retaliation and related laws administered
          by the EEOC and other administrative agencies (including the NLRB) and the courts?

·         How to navigate safely through the various requirements. What specifically are legally compliant policies, practices, and
          investigation procedures when harassment does occur, or is alleged to have occurred? 

·         What should and should not be in your harassment policies, what mistakes to avoid in everyday workplace issues
          and documentation, and best practices when conducting investigations of allegations of harassment in the workplace.     

·         What the goals are of this Task Force and how they have attempted to address them.

Patty Wise Photo
Patty Wise, partner,
Niehaus Wise & Kalas