
Concurrent Session
The Global Expedition to Attract and Engage Talent: Successful Total Reward Strategies Around The World
Convention Center 204
Wednesday 06/22/2016 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 Global Credit | Competencies: Global & Cultural Effectiveness, Business Acumen | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
You will learn about total rewards around the world, and leave with a “global schematic” of methodologies that you can adapt to your organization. 

What should you be doing with regard to your total reward strategies to attract, retain and motivate the superior employees that you need? While there are a number of similarities in total rewards across country boundaries, there are also marked differences in various regions around the world – due primarily to nuances in cultural orientation, management style, and the interplay between the government and the private sector. In this session, you will learn:

  • Specific total reward strategies practiced in various regions around the world, through the use of real-life examples and pragmatic case studies.
  • The latest research data regarding global total reward trends, segmented by world regions.
  • A “global schematic” of total reward perspectives, methodologies and approaches that are, and should be, practiced in the majority of premier organizations around the world.
John A. Rubino, CCP, CBP, GRP, WLCP Photo
John A. Rubino, CCP, CBP, GRP, WLCP, President,
Rubino Consulting Services