
Concurrent Session
CASE STUDY: HR and the Business: Strategic, Co-Owners of Flexibility
The Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa - Oasis 4-7
Friday 10/05/2012 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM   Add to calendar
1.50 Business Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
This session will help you create a plan for successful co-ownership of a strategic approach to flexibility between HR, line leaders and employees in your organization through various case studies. 

Workplace flexibility is a strategy for managing talent, workflow and costs that’s quickly becoming a standard practice for leading organizations.  It is most effective when it’s an ongoing, problem-solving conversation between managers and employees. What role does HR play in making the business case for flexibility, getting buy-in from all levels of leadership and establishing and supporting the win-win flexibility dialogue between employees and line managers? Using case studies, this interactive session will help you create a plan for building successful strategic co-ownership of flexibility in your organizations.

Cali  Yost Photo
Cali Yost, CEO and founder,
Flex+Strategy Group/Work+Life Fit, Inc.