- The New Workforce: Social Networks, Internet Revolutions and Hypertext Thinking
Concurrent Session
The New Workforce: Social Networks, Internet Revolutions and Hypertext Thinking
Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile
Wednesday 10/24/2012 08:00 AM - 09:15 AM
Workplace Application:
This session will share research on successful practices various organizations have used to respond to the changing preferences and needs of the newest entrants into the workforce.
Our newest workers have developed hypertext minds that leap around with cognitive structures that are parallel, not sequential. Are we ready for them? Do we know what their ideal workplace looks like, or the organizations they most admire? Might we have to teach social skills to a group that, at graduation, have spent 11,000 hours in school and 15,000 hours watching TV? This multimedia session will encourage audience participation with interactive exercises, humorous video clips and graphic visuals. You will also leave with ideas from the research that the FutureWorks Institute (FWI) has gathered from organizations that have developed innovative practices to build relationships and engage this generation.
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