- Controlling Costs with Innovative Benefit Design: SafeAuto’s Hi-Gear Integrated Health & Wellness System
Controlling Costs with Innovative Benefit Design: SafeAuto’s Hi-Gear Integrated Health & Wellness System
Tuesday 06/26/2012 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM
Workplace Application:
Attend this session to learn how you can implement the same health & wellness strategy that helped SafeAuto Insurance Company reduce costs by more than 20%.
SafeAuto Insurance Company enacted their own version of healthcare reform at the employer level based on an executive mandate from SafeAuto’s leadership team. Miller will share how she and her team successfully changed healthcare status quo by implementing aggressive health risk reduction, an innovative plan design, and a value-based prescription drug program. The Hi-Gear system that resulted took employee engagement to new heights and has truly created a lasting culture of health.
April Miller,
senior vice president, Human Resources,
SafeAuto Insurance Company
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