
Concurrent Session
Grounding Your Workplace in Ethics and Inclusion
Pacific Jewel B
In-Person Monday 10/24/2022 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Organization (Technical), People (Technical), Workplace (Technical) | Intended Audience: Beginner (Committing to I&D), Intermediate (Fostering I&D)
Workplace Application:
This presentation will focus on defining what equity, inclusion, and ethics are in 2022 as well as specific ways you can build a strategy that includes all three into your strategic plan. 

Session seating is first come, first served. Thank you for your cooperation.

2020 shook up our workplace and world in a big way, yet a few things remain the same if you and your organization want to remain relevant, profitable, and equitable now and into the future.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define what equity, inclusion, and ethics are.
  • How to incorporate equity, inclusion and ethics into your strategic plan.
  • Give your organization tips and tools on how to remain relevant, profitable, and equitable by tying equity, inclusion and ethics into your strategic plan and vision.
Kuma Roberts, Chief Diversity Equity and Inclusion Officer,
Arrowhead Consulting