
Concurrent Session
Driving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with Data
Pacific Jewel B
In-Person Tuesday 10/25/2022 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Leadership (Behavioral), Organization (Technical), People (Technical) | Intended Audience: Advanced (Elevating I&D), Intermediate (Fostering I&D)
Workplace Application:
Attendees will learn how to take a more data-driven approach to their DE&I strategy and turn "inclusalytics" insights into ACTION 

Session seating is first come, first served. Thank you for your cooperation.

When it comes to DE&I, a common phrase is, "Moving the needle." But what is the scale on which this needle moves and how do you know that it's indeed moving? What gets measured is more likely to get done. In strategic DE&I work, measurement enables us to assess gaps between vision and reality and offers insight and clarity to help achieve goals. Yet, the process of implementing DE&I metrics and incorporating them into strategic DE&I initiatives can at times be puzzling and challenging. Join Dr. Victoria Mattingly & Sertrice Grice, co-owners of the DE&I consulting firm, Mattingly solutions, to gain clarity around what should be measured and how to use data to drive your organization's efforts.

As organizational psychologists who combine inclusion consulting with science, the presenters will share how they use data and metrics to turn what is often considered “soft and fuzzy” DE&I work into measurable constructs. They lead participants in sorting through key issues in DE&I measurement, providing a path forward to leveraging the best practices provided into participants' ongoing DE&I work.

Speakers will present a framework for taking a more scientific approach to DE&I, providing examples of how they help organizations obtain and make sense of data. Participants will leave the session with a clear path forward for quantifying DE&I and deciding which actions to take--not based on the latest DE&I trends, but based on your organization's data.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify different types of DEI data you can collect and use to direct your DEI efforts.
  • Learn how organizations--across industries--effectively integrate measurement in their DEI work.
  • Leverage the "hard numbers" of DEI for data-driven decision making.
  • Collect the "stories" of DEI through qualitative data collection methods.
Victoria Mattingly Photo
Victoria Mattingly, CEO,
Mattingly Solutions
Sertrice Shipley Photo
Sertrice Shipley, Founder,
Plan to Action