
Concurrent Session
How Women Thrive & Rise: It All Starts With Fixing the First Broken Rung
Wednesday 10/21/2020 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM   Add to calendar

According to the 2019 Women in the Workplace report from McKinsey & Co. and, the glass ceiling is not the biggest obstacle women face in the workplace. Instead, the major challenge comes right at the start, at the 'broken rung.' According to the report, entry-level women are 18% less likely to receive promotions than their male colleagues, which has a significant impact on the gender talent gap at senior management levels.  Women are not receiving the guidance and support they need early in their careers, and the data proves it. Millennial women, especially, are looking for a clear career path and ongoing skill development. When it comes to gender inclusion, diversity and the advancement of women, companies need to look at different approaches that meet women where they are. We must change the trajectory for women at work through innovative programs that identify, place and support the development of women in the workplace at all ages and stages of their careers. 

Learning Objectives:  

  • Focus on retention early with multiple layers of support.  

  • Build communities and peer-to-peer networks across all levels with new tools.  

  • Invest in leadership potential in creative ways by arming women with the tools, training and support they need to grow into the next generation of leaders.  

Addie  Swartz Photo
Addie Swartz, CEO,
Olga Feingold Photo
Olga Feingold, Talent Development Partner,
Analog Devices