
Smart Stage
Distance Bias: When Out-of-Sight Really Means Out-of-Mind for Dispersed and Mobile Employees
Connection Zone/Acadia (Third Floor)
Monday 10/28/2019 10:55 AM - 11:13 AM   Add to calendar
Intended Audience: Intermediate (Fostering I&D)

Distance bias is the tendency to favor people who are closer to us in time and space. This tendency results in dispersed and mobile employees feeling isolated and disengaged. This session will share how to identify distance bias, how it can impact the employee experience and best practices for addressing it. We'll examine the three areas every leader should be looking at: employee, manager and organization. You will hear real experiences and practical advice that keep people connected in a mobile workplace by leveraging technology, communicating with intention and aligning organizational policies/practices with the new world of work.  

Kathy Kacher Photo
Kathy Kacher, President,
Career/Life Alliance Services, Inc.