
Breakout Session
Maximizing Retirement: Are Lifetime Income Options Right for Your Plan?
In-Person and Virtual Monday 06/30/2025 09:15 AM - 10:15 AM   Add to calendar
Intended Audience: Intermediate

According to a recent Greenwald Research study, 89% of participants agreed that having guaranteed retirement income would affect their current well-being retirement. As a result of data like this, lifetime income options are becoming the newest trend in helping plan participants prepare for retirement. And the Secure Act and Secure Act 2.0 have made this a key component in the future of retirement plans as a benefit. But what exactly IS lifetime income? How does it work? Are there different options for providing this in a retirement plan? What are the fiduciary considerations (and risks) in offering such options? What plans are this appropriate for? During our session, we'll discuss the landscape of lifetime income options and what it means to your plan and your employees. We will cover the fiduciary aspects of evaluating the need for these solutions for your employees as well as help you with some recommendations on how to choose between the various options if you decide to offer one.

Learning Outcome 1: What is retirement income and should we consider offering such options?

Learning Outcome 2: Pros and Cons of offering income options inside your plan.

Learning Outcome 3: How to establishing a prudent selection and monitoring process for income options.

Robert  Massa Photo
Robert Massa, Managing Director of Retirement,
Qualified Plan Advisors, LLC
Michael A. Smoots, General Counsel,
Financial Fitness for Life