
Concurrent Session
Cut Early Turnover! Seven Ways to Cut New-Hire Turnover in Half
Roman Ballroom 3-4
In-Person and Virtual Tuesday 04/16/2024 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Interpersonal (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
Participants will return to their jobs with seven proven ways to reduce new-hire turnover and improve productivity. 

New-hire turnover is the doom loop for healthcare, manufacturing, food processing, call centers, distribution centers, and other industries. Continuous hiring results in wasted training time, increased errors, and more on-the-job injuries - along with supervisors coaching new hires or even worse, abandoning their supervisor roles to perform open jobs. This session offers seven fresh-thinking ways to improve new-hire retention that span from developing realistic job previews to implementing supervisor accountability for achieving retention goals.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn to measure new-hire turnover by location, job, manager, and length of service in order to develop new-hire retention goals.
  • Learn techniques to implement new-hire retention accountability such as Hilton's 91-day accountability meetings after each new-hire class date and Great Dane's weekly new-hire retention check-ins.
  • Learn research-based methods that increase new-hire loyalty including developing realistic job previews, doubling employee referrals, and applying loyalty-enhancing job offers.
Dick Finnegan Photo
Dick Finnegan, Chief Executive Officer,
C-Suite Analytics