
Concurrent Session
The Future of Talent Acquisition Technology: Practical Advice for TA and HR Leaders
Monday 04/20/2020 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Business Acumen, HR Expertise, Leadership & Navigation
Workplace Application:
This session will get you up to speed on the ever-changing industry of HR and Talent Acquisition (TA) Technology in a fun, fast-paced style. 

The HR and TA Technology landscape moves at a frenetic pace. It seems like we are always behind the curve as compared to our peers. HR Technology expert and author Tim Sackett has spent the last decade making HR Technology easy to understand for his audiences. We all want to know what we should be paying attention to, what isn't worth our time, and also what technology is going to lift our organizations to the next level. Tim will break all this down in a fast, fun style that will not include tech-speak you won't understand.  Tim demos over 150 different pieces of HR Technology each year and will help you break through all the noise and let you know what's working and what's not, as well as how you can control the process of buying and implementing in ways that won't leave you frustrated and overwhelmed. HR Technology doesn't have to be complicated to be great.

Learning Objectives:

  • Become educated about the future path of HR and TA technology and its impact on your organization.
  • Understand how to better navigate the demo and buying process of HR technology.
  • Build a strategic vision around your HR and TA tech stack and its future direction.
Tim Sackett, SHRM-SCP Photo
Tim Sackett, SHRM-SCP, CEO,