
Concurrent Session
Transition Prescription: Dealing with the Headache of Change
Emperor's Level: Palace Ballroom II
Tuesday 04/17/2018 08:15 AM - 09:30 AM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Leadership & Navigation, Ethical Practice, Business Acumen | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
You will learn about a model you can use to elicit change within your organization, as well as strategies to create buy-in from your employees. 

The only aspect of life that is constant is change. From startupsto large corporations, when it comes to managing change in the workplace, it's an ongoing process. This session will explore the reasons change is uncomfortable, difficult and fear-producing. You will learn how to cultivate specific behaviors to be more successful and emulate strong leadership. This session will help you:

·         Realize the correlation between leadership and effective organizational change.

·         Classify steps for an effective strategic plan toward change.

·         Identify an individual's barriers toward change.

·         Develop techniques for recognizing opportunities that naturally exist within every new challenge.

·         Acquire solutions to modify behaviors that block successful change.

Julie Ann  Sullivan  Photo
Julie Ann Sullivan, founder,
Learning Never Ends