- Candidate Experience: How Companies Are Learning to Partner
Concurrent Session
Candidate Experience: How Companies Are Learning to Partner
Northern Hemisphere E1&2
Monday 04/18/2016 01:30 PM - 02:45 PM
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 HR Credit
| Competencies: HR Expertise, Business Acumen
| Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
This session will share how global companies are using both simple tactics and/or advanced technology to effectively attract and secure the best talent available.
The importance of a candidate's experience is proving more evident when looking to secure high-quality hires than the long debated value of a candidate's source. You'll learn the reasoning behind some surprising strategies and powerful data points that are flipping the traditional source of hire argument (and the sources themselves!) on its ear. We'll review why these new approaches are transforming the image of savvy employers and how recruiters are successfully approaching a "time to find" metric of zero days. These discoveries and stories will illustrate why job alerts are detrimental to long-term recruiting success for most and why the recruiting funnel as we know it is just plain broken.
Chris Hoyt,
chief innovation evangelist and co-owner,
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