
Concurrent Session
Aligning Recruiting Strategy with Business and HR
Pacific C
Tuesday 04/19/2016 08:15 AM - 09:30 AM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 HR Credit | Competencies: Leadership & Navigation, Business Acumen | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
This session will demonstrate why it is critical to align your organization’s business and talent acquisition strategies.  

Building out the recruiting function requires breaking down silos across the organization and developing one streamlined approach. Retention, defining your organization’s culture and attracting talent are all struggles organizations are facing. Companies depend on a successful recruiting strategy to help overcome these challenges. And in today’s workforce, a successful recruiting strategy hinges on strong alignment between HR and business strategy. This session will focus on the top tips for organizations looking to align these aspects, and will offer guidance for real-world implementation. This session will demonstrate:

·         How to openly share your organization’s business plan and direction as a means to attract and engage talent in a highly
          competitive marketplace.  

·         How to communicate a strong company story to potential employees. 

·         Why sharing your business strategy is key to attracting candidates with like-minded career goals. 

·         Why your recruiting strategy should run parallel to your company’s objectives and culture.

Rona Borre Photo
Rona Borre, CEO,
Instant Alliance