
Unconscious Bias & HR: A Theatrical Experience**
Session is full. Stop by Registration with questions.
Monday 10/24/2016 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.50 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Global & Cultural Effectiveness | Intended Audience: Mid-Level

Session is full. Stop by Registration with questions.

**Preregistration required.

You have good employees, good policies, and an organization committed to diversity and inclusion. But something is most likely getting in the way of your D&I goals: unconscious bias. Oh, sure—you know all about that. But do you?

IBIS Consulting Group invites you to watch as professional actors bring unconscious bias issues to the surface—and to life. You’ll explore scenes depicting everyday HR challenges and opportunities, and discover where and how unconscious bias may be lurking in your organization. Learn what you can do to address it, because you don’t know what you don’t know. This presentation will help you:

  • Learn about key “inflection points”—moments in recruitment, hiring, career development and performance management where you have the opportunity to make a difference from a D&I perspective.
  • Recognize some of the most prevalent and pervasive unconscious biases, and how they may be inhibiting a diverse and inclusive workplace.
  • Build your toolkit of interventions for making D&I a sustainable reality.


Shilpa Pherwani Photo
Shilpa Pherwani, principal/CEO,
Sheree Galpert Photo
Sheree Galpert, learning and creativity director,