
Concurrent Session
Your Brain is Good at Diversity…Except When it's Not
Oak Alley (4th Floor)
Monday 10/13/2014 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 HR Credit | Competencies: Relationship Management, HR Expertise, Global & Cultural Effectiveness | Intended Audience: Mid-Level

Examine “open-mindfulness,” the cognitive ability to be in the moment and undistracted (i.e., mindfulness) combined with an ability (and willingness) to entertain multiple and sometimes dissonant ideas and perspectives. Understand how the brain’s natural functioning can prevent us from leveraging human differences, reframe “diversity” as a problem of closed-mindedness, and examine diversity from a human behavior lens and see inclusion/exclusion issues as the more fundamental issue of “insiders vs. outsiders.” You will learn the individual and organizational benefits of open-mindedness and mindfulness, and develop and engage in strategies and techniques that will lead to more open-mindfulness and thus, more inclusion and innovation.

Steve L. Robbins, Ph.D. Photo
Steve L. Robbins, Ph.D., Chief “What If” Officer,
S.L. Robbins & Associates