Track: Total Rewards
Last year saw the passage of landmark legislation of major historical importance to the country, business organizations of all types, HR professionals and individual employees and their families. This legislation is making major reforms in health care coverage in the United States and it is imperative that you as HR leaders look to the strategy your organization will take on providing health care coverage to your employees. The decisions you make now could have an impact on your future plans and how health care fits into your total compensation package. This session will discuss what you need to know now to make these decisions. What steps should HR take now to set the stage for its health care and total rewards strategy so that it will be able to implement effectively and intelligently in 2014. A critical component to your strategy should be around your communication plan and what information do you need to give others? C-Suite? The whole HR organization? Employees? One of the SHRM’s most highly-rated annual conference speakers, Gary Kushner, SPHR, CBP will discuss these issues and more.