
Seven Questions To Ask When Evaluating Compensation Surveys
Monday 06/27/2011 07:00 AM - 08:15 AM   Add to calendar
1.25 HR Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
This session will help you win the war for talent by providing practical applications on how to obtain the most credible and reliable compensation data for your business needs. 

Track: Total Rewards

All compensation surveys are not created equal! Low quality data sources report untrustworthy pay rates that result in costly turnover and hurt profitability. When evaluating sources, you should ask compensation data providers a series of questions including: What quality assurance routines are employed on submissions? Do you hold job matching meetings? And are custom reports available? This session will also answer difficult questions that arise during the selection process such as “Are free online sources trustworthy?”

Rebecca M. Toman Photo
Rebecca M. Toman, senior account manager,
Pearl Meyer & Partners