- MEGA SESSION: Leading Organizational Excellence by Avoiding the Top 10 HR Leadership Mistakes
MEGA SESSION: Leading Organizational Excellence by Avoiding the Top 10 HR Leadership Mistakes
Hilton Conrad Room
Wednesday 06/29/2011 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Workplace Application:
HR leadership is having the passion and ability to influence others to reach new heights by avoiding the top 10 HR critical leadership mistakes.
Track: Talent Management
To reach new heights of organizational success, comprehensive HR strategies must be an integral element of the company's vision. HR leadership is critical to the success of this vision becoming the organization's mission. This session details the Top 10 HR leadership mistakes that can cause irreparable damage to HR's credibility and integrity thus quickly derailing any career and the organization's strategic initiatives. Through true life experiences, we will discuss the consequences of questionable HR leadership mistakes.
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