
Closing General Session with Marcus Buckingham
Wednesday 06/30/2010 08:30 AM - 09:45 AM   Add to calendar
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Marcus Buckingham speaks 

Marcus Buckingham has dedicated his career to helping individuals discover and capitalize on their personal strengths. Hailed as a visionary by corporations such as Toyota, Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo, Microsoft, and Disney, he has helped to usher in the “strengths revolution,” persuasively arguing that people are dramatically more effective, fulfilled and successful when they are able to focus on the best of themselves.

Buckingham’s latest book, Find Your Strongest Life: What the World’s Happiest and Most Successful Women Do Differently, tackles head-on the numerous studies revealing a drastic decline in female happiness over the last 40 years, and offers strategies for reversing this disturbing trend.

In his nearly two decades as a Senior Researcher at Gallup Organization, Buckingham studied the world’s best managers and organizations to investigate what drives great performance. His research laid the foundation for a string of New York Times best-selling books that use empirical data to challenge preconceptions about achievement.

A member of the Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Leadership and Management, Marcus Buckingham graduated from Cambridge University with a Master’s Degree in Social and Political Science.

Visit Marcus' website at