
Skip Weisman
Weisman Success Resources, Inc.
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Skip Weisman, The Workplace Communication Expert, works with small business owners and non-profit organization leaders, plus their employees, providing practical tools to transform workplace communication that create more positive, productive and profitable organizations.

Skip, a former professional baseball executive, served as CEO of 5 baseball franchises over a 20-year career beginning at age 26. Skip’s hard learned lessons form the foundation for the engaging, inspiring, and practical presentations leaders can apply to their work environments.

Since 2012 over 20,000 international business professionals have experienced Skip’s interactive, inspiring, and practical keynote addresses, breakout session seminars, and webinars on his signature topics of The 7 Deadliest Workplace Communication Sins, 5 Steps to Creating the I.D.E.A.L. Work Environment, The 3 Stories Leaders Must Consistently Communicate to Inspire & Motivate, and Mastering the 3 Levels of Communication Influence