Mandy Schaumburg
Chief Counsel and Deputy Director of Education Policy
Committee on Education and Labor
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Mandy Schaumburg is the Chief Counsel and Deputy Director of Education Policy on the Committee on Education and Labor. In this role she focuses on general oversight of education and human services policy as well as policy issues including child nutrition, parent involvement, early education and child care, charter schools, and student privacy. She also assists the education staff on the issues they cover for the Committee. She previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Education in the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development. Prior to that she worked for Congressman Mark Green of Wisconsin as his Legislative Counsel working on judiciary issues, health care, and the faith based initiative. Before coming out to Washington, Mandy worked for Governor Tommy G. Thompson as Deputy Legal Counsel and his successor, Governor Scott McCallum, as his Legal Counsel.
Mandy graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a B.A. in Political Science and from Hamline University School of Law with a J.D.