
Doug Stevenson
storytelling coach, owner, CEO
Story Theater International
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Doug Stevenson is the creator of The Story Theater Method for strategic storytelling in business. He is the author of the book Doug Stevenson’s Story Theater Method, The 21-Step How to Write and Deliver a Dynamite Speech System, and The Next Level Storytelling Video eLearning Series. Doug is a former actor, now professional keynote speaker, trainer and speaker’s coach. His clients span many industries and associations, including the American Medical Assn., the National Assn. of Realtors, Microsoft, Cisco, Amgen, Bayer, Caterpillar, Coca Cola, ConAgra Foods, Oracle, Aetna Insurance, Wells Fargo, US Bank, Eli Lilly and many others. Doug has presented storytelling in business keynotes and workshops in the U.S., Canada, and 15 other countries in South America, Europe and Asia. 

Doug has blended his acting experience with his experience on the keynote platform to bring a unique perspective to speaking and storytelling. He helps presenters of all kinds use strategically chosen and crafted stories to make their content more entertaining, persuasive and memorable. Doug believes that “emotion is the fast lane to the brain” and stories, when told with authentic emotion and imagery, are the best way to create an emotional connection with any audience. People remember your stories!  Join him to learn how to Story Your Message for Communication Success!