
Concurrent Session
Designing Successful Variable Pay Programs For Your Organization: An Effective Step-By-Step Approach
Tuesday 06/30/2015 02:15 PM - 03:30 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs, 1.25 HR Credit | Competencies: HR Expertise, Consultation | Intended Audience: Mid-Level
Workplace Application:
You will learn a proven eight-step approach for successfully designing, implementing and communicating variable pay programs. 

This session will address the reasons and justifications of why many organizations are moving to comprehensive variable pay programs to help contain fixed expenses, to better recognize superior employee performance, and to truly align overall goal accomplishments with rewards. Rubino will demonstrate a proven eight-step approach to help ensure the successful design and implementation of variable pay programs from assessing organizational culture through determining specific lump sum payouts. Come with your questions and learn the state-of-the-art programs for rewarding employee performance!

John A. Rubino, CCP, CBP, GRP, WLCP Photo
John A. Rubino, CCP, CBP, GRP, WLCP, President,
Rubino Consulting Services