Workplace Application: Learn how to ensure a fair and level playing field for anyone working his or her way up the ladder in this new corporate world order. This session uses practical stories, cultural anecdotes and personal experiences found in the presenter’s book, The Loudest Duck.
The true effectiveness and power of diversity is to ensure that all ideas get heard, that the playing field is level and that no one is subtly advantaged or disadvantaged based on their diversity. Most organizations are still in Diversity 1.0 with their networks, trainings, recruitment and retention efforts. To make sure all who are qualified can make it through the pipeline and not ultimately just dominant group members, companies must now move to Diversity 2.0. Understand the real purposes of diversity. Learn how to come to terms with how we bring our subconscious beliefs, assumptions, roles, and archetypes of people to the office. Provide tools for leaders to ensure that organizations are true meritocracies where the subtle inequities are observed and eliminated.