Dr. Lisa Nishii
assistant professor, Departments of Human Resource Studies & International and Comparative Labor
ILR School
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Professor Lisa Hisae Nishii joined the ILR School as an Assistant Professor in July of 2003. She received her Ph.D. and M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of Maryland and her B.A. in Economics from Wellesley College. She won the Best Dissertation Award from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) for her work on the attributions that employees make about management's motivations underlying HR practices.
Professor Nishii's research focuses on three main areas: (1) Cross-cultural/international; (2) organizational diversity and inclusion; and (3) employee perceptions of organizational practices, or climate. Her research on culture focuses on theories about, and measurements of, dimensions of cultural variation. She has worked with colleagues to advance theory and application of individualism and collectivism and cultural tightness-looseness. In her ongoing research, she is examining how the cultural context influences the effectiveness of HR "best practices." Her work on diversity and inclusion focuses primarily on investigating climate for inclusion as well as other moderators of the diversity to performance relationship. She has been working most recently on multi-level research funded by the SHRM Foundation and the Department of Labor that examines the interplay of organizational practices and climate, leader characteristics, group processes, and experiences in shaping the engagement of workers in general, as well as of aging workers and workers with disabilities in particular. In her third stream of research, Nishii focuses on employees' perceptions and experiences of organizational practices. She is particularly interested in the role of employee perceptions, attitudes and behavior in driving unit and organizational performance.
Professor Nishii regularly presents her research at conferences for SIOP and the Academy of Management, and her research has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Review, and Personnel Psychology. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Management. Professor Nishii has also worked as an organizational consultant for several organizations on a variety of topics, with the bulk of this work focusing on diversity and inclusion in organizations.