- Building a Leading People Culture: How to Create a Flexible and Inclusive Work Environment
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Building a Leading People Culture: How to Create a Flexible and Inclusive Work Environment
Thursday 10/06/2011 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Organizations are good at defining their strategic direction, but they often fail to consider key cultural enablers when translating that strategy into execution. A critical success factor is embedding inclusiveness and flexibility into all processes while at the same time creating inclusive and flexible leadership skills at all levels. Learn about innovative initiatives to drive and manage culture change, and how and why the organization links its culture to business success. You will also hear about critical components to keep in mind when creating your own organization’s plan for systemic cultural change.
Jackie Lillie,
Jackie Lillie, Midwest sub-area inclusiveness and flexibility leader; and Dot Proux, Americas director,
EYU Tax and Resource Management, Ernst & Young, LLP, Chicago, Ill
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