- Top 10 Ways to Violate Californias Wage-Hour Laws
Top 10 Ways to Violate Californias Wage-Hour Laws
Tuesday 06/28/2011 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM
Workplace Application:
You will hear about the most tricky wage-hour laws and how to develop a plan to protect your organizations from liability.
In reality, there are more than 10 ways to violate California's wage-hour laws. Lawsuits in this area focus on everything from misclassification of employees, calculation of overtime, meal/rest breaks, reimbursement of expenses, final pay, and bonus/commission plans, to uniform and tool policies. This session addresses the most tricky wage-hour laws, the differences between state and federal law, how to conduct a compliance audit, and the best approaches for remedying violations without encouraging a lawsuit.
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