
Self-Funded Health Plans: Managing Rising Employee Benefits Costs In Light of Health Care Reform
LVCC N224-226
Tuesday 06/28/2011 04:00 PM - 05:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 HR Credit
Focus Areas:
Workplace Application:
This session will provide specific strategies to HR professionals concerned with the management of escalating employee benefits costs, especially in the areas of health care and retirement. 

Track: Total Rewards

With new health care provisions in place, employers are beginning to feel the impact of these financial strains. As health care costs continue to trend upwards, there are solutions that you can put into practice to insulate the self- funded plan from these very high cost claims. In this presentation, Sam Fleet will address the incidence of these high cost claims, as well as specific remedies available to self-funded employers.

Sam H. Fleet Photo
Sam H. Fleet, president,
AmWINS Group Benefits