
Concurrent Session
Multi-Generational Workforce: Diversity’s Next Frontier
Silver Pearl 3
In-Person and Virtual Tuesday 10/25/2022 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Business (Behavioral), Interpersonal (Behavioral), Leadership (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Beginner (Committing to I&D), Intermediate (Fostering I&D)
Workplace Application:
Attendees will learn how age diversity can drive competitive advantage. 

Session seating is first come, first served. Thank you for your cooperation.

Workplace diversity, whether in gender, race, or age, can serve companies well by allowing them to tap into a variety of perspectives, experiences, and expertise to solve problems and generate ideas. However, conflict can arise from generational differences in values, working styles, as well as from unconscious bias and stereotyping. With the arrival of Generation Z, companies will be faced, for the first time in history, with a workforce where the age difference between older and younger employees can be as much as 40 something years - a situation that creates a new set of challenges. This session is focused on age diversity as a source of competitive advantage and offers the tools that business leaders can use to create a fair and harmonious workforce.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the differences in work expectations and workstyles of each generation and specifically those of Gen Z.
  • Gain insight from proprietary research on the challenges and opportunities of multi-generational workforce.
  • Walk away with tools and ideas to promote more harmonious and productive workforce.


Hana Ben-Shabat Photo
Hana Ben-Shabat, Founder,
Gen Z Planet