
On Demand
Navigating a Perfect Storm for Workplace Conflict: Sex, Politics and a Hybrid Workforce
On Demand 5
Virtual Wednesday 10/26/2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Interpersonal (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Advanced (Elevating I&D)
Workplace Application:
Participants will gain greater knowledge and a whole new level of clarity for damaging tension and conflict, improving communication, and becoming more dynamic leaders. 

With a hybrid workforce, differences in personality and communication styles, divides in generational perspectives, and deeply held beliefs around sex, race, and politics… today’s workplace has become a perfect storm of conditions for conflict to arise.

These conditions are made worse when busy leaders take a “wait and see” approach to resolving conflict, unaware that it’s a disaster waiting to happen. As a result, organizations are repeatedly pulled away from pursuing important goals as unforeseen issues explode into profound and painful crises leading to silos, loss of productivity, insubordination, and ultimately, loss of talent.

All of this can be avoided by equipping leaders and HR professionals with the education and skills to understand how to prevent and identify conflicts before they develop into a crisis.

Learning Objectives

  • How to identify natural instincts and gut reactions that create friction in the workplace, so you can address them quickly, build trust and improve teamwork.
  • Ways to adapt communication patterns and behavioral styles to create a more cohesive and productive work environment.
  • Strategies for restoring workplace civility and collaboration in a hybrid workforce in order to prevent business disruption and turnover.
Candice Gottlieb-Clark Photo
Candice Gottlieb-Clark, CEO,
Dynamic Team Solutions