
Smart Stage
Champions: Building Your Internal Network
Smart Stage: Coral 5
In-Person Tuesday 10/25/2022 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Interpersonal (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Intermediate (Fostering I&D)
Workplace Application:
Advance your organization’s culture and empower employees by having an internal network that supports your equity, diversity, and inclusion goals. 

Session seating is first come, first served. Thank you for your cooperation.

Looking for a way to get your equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives threaded throughout your organization? In this short session see how one large organization utilized their passionate workforce to pull each other in, create a network that supports continuous communication and progress. Then walk away with tools and techniques that can be converted for small- or large-scale operations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover how crafting an internal structure of staff that actively support your DE&I goals can help create sustainable progress.
  • Discuss best practices for setting up a framework that is flexible to fit the diversity of division, department, and services within a large organization.
  • Learn how empowering others with educational and learning opportunities about diversity, inclusion, and cultural competence encourages all staff to play a role in addressing behavior that is not supportive of diversity and inclusion.
Taryell Simmons Photo
Taryell Simmons, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Division HR Services Manager,
County of San Diego | Department of Human Resources, Board of Directors | Village UP
Holly Norton Photo
Holly Norton, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Division Group Program Manager,
County of San Diego | Department of Human Resources