
On Demand
Less Talk, More Action: How to Amplify Inclusive Teaming
On Demand 4
Virtual Wednesday 10/26/2022 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM   Add to calendar
Competencies: Leadership (Behavioral) | Intended Audience: Advanced (Elevating I&D)
Workplace Application:
With Kimberley’s emphasis and expertise in talent and team development, your group’s participants will develop and deliver on the full power of their leadership resulting in increased productivity from their teams and sustainable transformation. 

While there has been an increased push of diversity initiatives in companies, diversity in and of itself is not enough. What I suspect is that you yearn for not just “a seat at the table”, but to feel as if you are fully accepted, understood, and valued by those you work with…in short, to be fully included.

Because of this natural yearning we all have, a more powerful endgame for organizations is to grow from diversity to inclusion, to maximize the engagement and talent of its people. However, there are barriers that can get in the way of moving from just an acknowledgment that inclusion is important, to real action that can spark change.

Given that teams are a cornerstone of driving results within organizations, they can provide fertile ground to be a catalyst for adopting and practicing behaviors that are the antidote to these barriers. Through this talk, you'll walk away with greater awareness of how you can be a change agent for more Inclusive Teaming for yourself, and your organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover some key barriers to inclusive teaming,

  • Learn the remedies to overcome them, and

  • Identify the most powerful step you can take to champion more inclusion in your team.

Kimberley Lewis Parsons Photo
Kimberley Lewis Parsons, Chief Executive Officer,
Bamboo Teaming