Warren Buffett has gone on the record to say we are on the road to recovery, and many indicators point to a rebound in the economy. What’s more, in a recent CFO survey conducted by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, 68% of the respondents said they are actively trying to fill vacant positions, and nearly half reported that their companies have had trouble doing so in the last year. Clearly, businesses must now turn their attention to the coming economic recovery and the impact it will have on their own human capital.
This session will examine the ways in which workplace flexibility can not only help organizations attract and retain top talent, but support increased productivity. Research proves that many younger workers identify flexible work arrangements as more important than wages. Workplace flexibility is also a critical tool for retaining older workers, who will soon make up 20% of the workforce and have valuable skills and institutional knowledge.
Kathy Kacher, the author of several popular WorkLife tools, which include the first online dependent care program, flexible work arrangement tracking system and virtual benefits fair, will lead an in-depth discussion of the need to fortify work/life programs to prepare for the coming recovery and enhance worker performance while awaiting it.