
EXECUTIVE EXCHANGE: LinkedIn’s Approach to Recruiting and Retention in an Age of “Open Talent”
Monday 06/19/2017 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM   Add to calendar
1.25 SHRM PDCs | Competencies: Relationship Management, Leadership & Navigation, HR Expertise | Intended Audience: Senior-Level
Workplace Application:
This session will provide insight into LinkedIn’s strategies to recruit and retain employees when nearly everyone is open to new opportunities.  

Today, everyone is a candidate – including your own employees. With 90% of professionals interested in hearing about new job opportunities* we’re witnessing the dawn of an age of “open talent” that presents new challenges and opportunities for HR as well as new expectations for the tools you depend on. Pat Wadors, Senior Vice President of the Global Talent Organization at LinkedIn, will explore the drivers of this change (from the proliferation of jobs and career information online, to new models of work and instant-access learning opportunities) and share insights around how LinkedIn is meeting this challenge. This session will cover:

  • Why as HR leaders you must learn to be intentional with your employee experience and take ownership of your story.
  • The strategy behind the tools and capabilities LinkedIn not only helps build, but depends on daily.
  • How LinkedIn taps into trends like the rise of contractors and boomerang employees to broaden their talent pools.
  • Go-to data points that help inform LinkedIn’s workforce strategy.
  • Strategies LinkedIn uses to retain and attract employees who have more career options than ever before.
Pat Wadors Photo
Pat Wadors, Chief Talent Officer,